When her best friend Tim shows up on her doorstep with a black eye, Katie McCabe teases him for being a klutz, until she learns the horrifying truth.
Diary of a Misfit
Since the beginning of the year, I’ve had my head down, working away, and, except for the occasional outburst on Twitter, have even kept my socializing to a minimum (and those who know me, KNOW how I love to socialize.)
Tattered Free for Kindle
****Drumroll Please**** I’m very pleased to announce that Tattered, the third book in the award-winning Misfit McCabe series, will be free through Amazon.com for Kindle Thursday, August 23rd and Friday, August 24th. So pick up your copy and enjoy the read. And once you’ve finished it, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Celebrate with Linda Welch
It is nice to be able to celebrate the good news of a friend, and I am very happy to say that we have reason to celebrate. The landscape of publishing is changing, in particular with the advent of the ebook, and self-publishing is increasingly becoming a viable option, and one which is beginning to grow legs as a door opener for other opportunities, as Boyd Morrison proved with his book The Ark, as was discussed in previous post Who Needs a Publisher Anyway?
Sony Steals a March on Kindle
Sony has finally made a bid to take back the e-book market which Amazon’s Kindle has been dominating since it was released. Sony has released the Reader Touch Edition.