I woke up in a somewhat reflective mood this morning and as my mind rambled through various reflections, I stopped when I came to one of the authors I have known for a few years, PJ Cowan.
The People of 2010 – Part VIII
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day and may their arms be too short to scratch…
Celebrate with Linda Welch
It is nice to be able to celebrate the good news of a friend, and I am very happy to say that we have reason to celebrate. The landscape of publishing is changing, in particular with the advent of the ebook, and self-publishing is increasingly becoming a viable option, and one which is beginning to grow legs as a door opener for other opportunities, as Boyd Morrison proved with his book The Ark, as was discussed in previous post Who Needs a Publisher Anyway?
ACK!! I’ve Been Tagged
It had to happen sooner or later. I have tried to avoid it, and trust me, this may be the one and only instance in which I comply – well partially comply, but I have been tagged with a blog award.
A Good Progress Day
I have been struggling a little bit with the editing process, feeling like I was going too slow and not accomplishing very much each day. Of course, there have been all sorts of interruptions to the process, which doesn’t help. I don’t like setting goals and not meeting them however, so have not been pleased with my progress. Part of … Read More