2008 in Review

I’m not really a believer in resolutions.  The word resolution to me is like the phrase, “I’ll try.”  When someone says, “I’ll try,” what they really mean is “don’t hold your breath.”  It’s like a built in excuse for failure.  With “I’ll try”, if I succeed, then I’m the hero, if I fail, well, I never promised anything.  A resolution … Read More

Coming Attraction

I have been quite tied up lately with a new project that I have been working on for Misfit McCabe and as a result, I haven’t had as much time to devote to the writing process or to keep up with you here on this blog. I am getting very close to the launch of my latest idea, so will … Read More

Forum woes resolved

I was able to figure out the problems with Guest access to the poll and at the same time resolved the issue I had with the first poll going inactive. All in all a good days work, I would say. So, the polls are now open for everyone. Go to Griffie World and view the book trailers, and then to … Read More

Will Wonders Never Cease

Upon signing on to my computer after work today, I found that I had actually become a prize winner. Now mind you, I never win prizes. I enter contests from time to time, but wins usually don’t come my way. So, I was absolutely delighted to win a copy of John Kremer’s 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, which is … Read More

Writing Break

Tonight I took a little break from writing to assist my in-laws with the installation of their DSL line. I have finally brought them into the technological age. It took a little longer than it should have. . . ok – a lot longer than it should have, as the phone company canceled their account, but installed the line and … Read More


Interesting happening today (well to me anyway). Last night I wrote and posted an article on Author’s Den about the Lulu Book Review site. The intent of the article was to make the author’s at Author’s Den aware of the site. When you are a POD (print on demand) author, it is sometimes difficult to get a review for your work. I was very pleased to find this site, especially since it looks so well put together and already a lot of information is appearing on it for such a new site.

Dancing a Jig

I am so jazzed to have completed the posting of the 17 articles that I have written (so far) that are geared for Young Writers. I wanted to get that off my plate before really getting into the purpose of this blog which is to talk about writing, the writing process, my novels, articles, etc. Reformatting them for the blog … Read More