Ok, with today being Saturday, I didn’t technically commute anywhere, but I do have some thoughts that came to me while I was relaxing this morning, trying to get ready to face the day. I looked back at all of my sites and realized that all of a sudden I appeared to drop off the face of the earth. Actually, that wasn’t the case, and come to think of it, have you ever known anyone to actually drop off the face of the earth? It seems to me that is an expression which stems from a very long time ago when people thought the earth was flat and it was possible to drop off of the earth if you got to the edge. Oh well, that’s a topic for another day.
It’s not like I’ve even been taking time off to just relax, because each day seems like I am busier than the last. The initial project that pulled me away from working on some articles that I have been mulling over or even having the time or energy to blog about minutiae was the redesign of the LL Book Review site. If you haven’t seen the new site and taken a look at the new layout, I suggest you click on over there. The difference from the old site is dramatic and the information that is available on the site is much more accessible. I am proud of how quickly I was able to get the new site built and operational. We were actually a couple weeks ahead of schedule as the official launch was supposed to be June 1st, but it didn’t make sense to maintain both sites simultaneously, especially since the new site was ready and so much better (if I do have to say so myself.) And while I am proud of the accomplishment, it was definitely a team effort.
On top of that, work got heavy duty and I started having nightly conference calls with Hong Kong, so after the completion of a full day, I got to come home and spend a couple more hours on the phone – working. By the time those were over, my brain was dead and all I wanted was to spend a few blissful hours unconscious to prepare to do it all over again. Then, Denny and I babysat Memorial Day weekend for my sister and took care of her 4 children, the oldest being 13 and the youngest an 11 month old, so there was no time to even think about writing, reviewing, or anything else. We did have fun though.
I have finally reached the point where I feel like I can re-enter the world where writing is the main objective, and hopefully will not be quite so absent in the future. I have already read two books and need to complete the reviews, and next week my target is to finish editing Nowhere Feels Like Home, or at least get it closer to what I will consider a finished product.