My Status: Tired
Mood: Relaxed
Not to sound like a broken record, but I’m tired today. I rested better last night than the night before, but sleep was still elusive. Fortunately, the issue with the prescription has been resolved, and shortly I will be floating in the fairy clouds pictured above enjoying a wonderful sleep.
Today marked my return to work—virtually. I have reconfigured my desk space in my office so I can work from home to minimize the possibility of infection, especially during the cold and flu season. There are a lot of reasons I feel that continuing to work as much as I can will be a good thing. First off, and most importantly, it will help me mentally to keep my spirits up. Things have changed, but I’m still able to do my job, so I can’t be THAT sick, right? I won’t bore everyone with all the other reasons … suffice it to say, there are reasons working right now is a positive thing. It does take a chunk out of my day, though. 😉
How are things going otherwise? Pretty well, I think. My right hand and forearm still hurt, and I’m still retaining water, but I’m hoping those things will dissipate now that I am not taking the steroid for a while. And I’m going to get this whole lack of sleep thing handled, so tomorrow should be good. I had one little issue though… yesterday they forgot to give me an injection to help boost my white cell counts. So I ran over during lunch and got the injection. And the injection has common side effects of making your bones ache, and you potentially run a fever, oh, and be alert for a severe allergic reaction… like if you can’t breathe, or pain that means your spleen is about to rupture but other than that, you’ll be fine. Apparently they took it seriously when I walked in and said, Okay, I’m here so you can torture me some more.. But *crosses fingers* so far, so good.
I don’t really have any more than that for tonight (and yes, I heard that collective sigh of relief) because I have things I want to talk about, but my brain is mush from being sleep-deprived, so we could travel into the realm of the ridiculous if I allowed my brain to lead the way here.
A big shout out to my sister, Dana for her birthday. I remember this day those years ago like it was yesterday. I knew someone special would be arriving, and I was right. Hope you had a great day.
2 Comments on “On the Quest for Oblivion”
Yay for being back to work – even virtually. I tend to agree that a sense of normalcy is so important when everything in your life seems to have gone so incredibly abnormal. So yay!
Those white cell boosts are important and I’m sure it’s pretty rare for someone’s spleen to go kaplooey but nothing like putting the fear of God into you anyway right?
Take some of those happy sleepy time pills and give your brain and your body some much needed and earned rest.
The spleen seems to be behaving… and I was able to get some sleep, so wooo hoooo for the small things. I may spend a quiet day today though, because I do have a low-grade fever (as predicted) and a headache, but no complaints. 😀