Will She … Or Won’t She…

Still trekking through forest, with the promise of a clearing ahead. Tomorrow begins chemo cycle 5—with a bit of luck.

Today I had my labs, and my white counts continue to drop … not excessively, but enough to make me under the doctor’s cut off point. No shot was given because they wanted to run the values by the doctor. Since I will receive the shot to boost my white counts on Thursday, the nurse thought it likely that the doctor would choose to wait. The values are not dropping fast enough to cause alarm, but they definitely need to be watched.

I have also slacked off on drinking the dandelion tea on a daily basis and it showed up in my liver function values. *crosses fingers* Hopefully the values will not have raised to the point where I cannot have chemo tomorrow. So if the liver values are too high, then I’ll be sent home after getting a shot to boost up my white count which is too low. Figures my body can’t decide which way it wants to be.

After giving me the CBC results, the nurse told me to get some rest. And I’ll try, but it doesn’t always work out the way I’d hoped. For one thing, the “spring forward” time change always messes with my ability to sleep. I try to adjust my sleep hours, but what usually happens is I end up staring at the ceiling and getting far less rest than I would have had we simply left time alone for a change.

Tomorrow will be an early day, so I’d best get back to my edits so I can at least try to get some sleep. Wish me luck on being able to move forward with chemo.

PS – the low white counts mean continued isolation. Can’t risk being exposed to the sniffles at this point.

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4 Comments on “Will She … Or Won’t She…”

    1. Thanks so much. If things don’t go the right way, it won’t be so much of a blow because I am mentally prepared, BUT I still want to move forward as scheduled.

  1. Thinking of you today and hoping that things are going forward as planned because darn it your body just needs to get itself into shape here! Doesn’t it know that there’s a war on? 😉

    If things can’t go forward as planned – blame it on the time change. In fact, let’s just blame everything on that because it sucks.

    1. We are moving forward, but we’ll blame the possibility that I wouldn’t on the time change… because … yeah, still not used to it and it sucks.

      And no, my body obviously didn’t get the memo that there is a war on.

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