My quest for health is paved with good intentions — and erratic execution. Last year this time, I was recovering from one knee surgery and getting ready for a second, but health wise, I was doing better and better. Then I lost a bit of steam as we slid into fall and have taken a few stabs at getting back on top of where I need to be with my eating habits, exercise, and the hardest of all … getting enough rest. I have failed miserably.
Failure is not an option, though. I have too much to get done, never enough time (hence the whole lack of rest thing), but I have to make the time to put my health first. So, I decided that I would try a food delivery service with an organic paleo menu to help keep me on track food-wise. I have to make changes and having someone else do the decision making on food works for me. Enter Sun Basket.
I had already placed the order and it was delivered before I got the news that makes putting my health first even more of a priority. It makes me extremely glad I had already made the decision to go with the service to provide organic food. Now it is necessary. So the box arrived on my porch, and when I opened it, the first thing I see is the recipe cards for the meals inside.
Each meal came in its own bag, so even I cannot get the ingredients muddled because everything is so well labeled. All the ingredients are fresh — they looked wonderful. For my very first meal under the new regime … the one I NEED to stay on to get myself balanced out again … I tried the Ginger-turkey meatballs in coconut-milk broth which was placed on a bed of cauliflower rice. I actually MADE cauliflower rice (not hard, but seriously I barely knew of its existence, so the thought of making it had never crossed my mind.)
Life can get so hectic, trying to keep up with everything usually means something gets overlooked for a while. I have renewed my quest for health … what quest do you want to renew?
4 Comments on “Renewal of a Quest”
Love you! Saying a prayer for restored health right now! <3
Thanks so much, darlin’. I can always use all the prayers I can get. 😀
Praying my friend! Wish I had been able to see you in CA. Hugs
Thanks so much for your prayers. I wish we’d have been able to connect as well, but there will be future opportunities. {{{{{HUGS}}}} 🙂