Why is it when we’ve set our course and taken life by the horns we frequently find ourselves dangling in midair hanging on for dear life? After all, we’re supposed to pursue our goals with confidence, right? We envision our goal at the end of a wide-open eight-lane highway, when in reality it sits at the end of a winding, twisting mountain road where the way ahead is often masked by some curve and overhanging branches. A little reminder by life that we don’t control everything. 🙂
As much as I’d love to have that straight open run toward a goal — a kind of see it and achieve it situation, there is value to overcoming the obstacles in our path along the way. With every obstacle or misstep, we learn more about who we are, and how important the goal is for us. If things are too easy, did we set our sights too low? Did we truly earn the accomplishment? Maybe I’m perverse, but I tend to value the things that were harder to achieve.
A rope ladder leading into a tunnel running under the school. The thrill of taking the next step along the way to finding the artifact. But then, a simple slip of the foot …
Rhonda put her foot on the first rung and slowly lowered herself to the second. At this rate she’d take a few minutes to reach bottom, so Dennis worked on untying the knot to remove the cord. A little difficult to do one-handed. He rested the torch against the floor to use both hands.
Rhonda yelped. The ladder twisted and swished while she clung to the rope, one leg dangling.
Dennis dropped the torch. “Hold on.” He grabbed the ladder to steady it. The rope tugged against his grip as Rhonda twisted first one way and then the other. The sway slowed and finally stopped. “I’ll keep a grip on the rope. Make your way down.”
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