As November draws to a close, so does the quest to win NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). Congrats to all who participate.
The Journey: Writing and Weight Loss
In my day job, I do work that involves logic and things following a path. 1+2 always = 3 and never 5. So there is a part of me that wants other aspects of my life to follow the same logical path. And they never do. I have two primary focuses at the moment: Getting healthy and finishing my current … Read More
Advice from Singer
I have seen this graphic floating around social media and every time I see it, I have a good laugh. First because I am a self-proclaimed non-domestic goddess… and yes, when you practice non-domesticity with the flair I do, you achieve goddess status. Second because the “advice” was part of a manual and is simply ridiculous in context of today’s … Read More
Lesson Learned
Last weekend was rough one. It always is when the universe hands you a lesson. Although, in this case, I kind of begged for the lesson … without realizing it. My current work in progress (WIP) is something that came to me four years ago. I have been in love with the concept from the moment it came to me, … Read More
Lost In The Crowd…But Not For Long
Those who know me mostly see the upbeat, almost to the point of perky, side of me. I’m everybody’s cheerleader in a business which is rife with rejection and disappointment — at ALL levels.
Writing Challenges
Sometimes writing a particular story gives us challenges. What am I saying? In every story I’ve ever written, I’ve faced one challenge or another on the way to completion. This is a good thing. With each challenge, I learn something in getting over the hurdle.
Finish Line Ahead
Once again I’m staring down the path at the finish line. This time is a little different for me because it is not part of my Misfit McCabe series.
The Downhill Slide
There comes a point in during the creation phase of a book when you hit the downhill slide. The point where you are getting close to your ideal word count goal… when you know where the book is headed and all you have to do is reach the finish line.
NaNoWriMo Eve
Excitement fills the air as a multitude of writing hopefuls get ready for the mad dash of words November brings. For the uninitiated NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and the basic idea is to start writing a novel on November 1st and have completed 50,000 words by the conclusion of November 30th.
Revisions and Edits Bear Gems
Today I happened to be over at my TwitterSister Eisley Jacob’s blog checking our her post on editing and revising. This is a topic which is always dear to my heart, since I spend so much of my time on a book in this phase.
Misfit McCabe Series – Book 3
Whoa!! Where did the time go?? Here I’ve been minding my own business working away on book 3 of the Misfit McCabe series, getting a start on book 4….
Dancing on Top of the World
I’m doing a happy dance because I have officially completed the editing process (phase I) for Nowhere Feels Like Home! Whoo Hooo!! People, I think we might actually have a book on the way. The phase I editing process is always the worst (unless of course I happen to be in phase II, III, or IV of the editing process … Read More
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