One of the most exciting events during the road to publication for an author is the cover reveal. We’ve toiled over the words for what seems like half a lifetime, and it is finally time to put a face to our work.
Winners of the Tattered Blog Tour
I had a blast on the Tattered tour, and I think those who made it through all of the stops had a great time too. But now it has come to an end. After the holidays, I’m going to come up with some more promotional things to help get the word out about Tattered, but until then, I hope you visit all the stops, even though the prizes are gone and learn more about Katie McCabe and other characters in Tattered!!
Spruce Knoll Endangered Species Tour
Some of you may recall the Tour of Secrets in August to celebrate the launch of Heather McCorkle’s novel, The Secret of Spruce Knoll, well, she’s at it again.
Tattered Blog Tour
The time has FINALLY come for me to get Tattered off my hard drive and send it on its way into the world. I am very excited about this for a few reasons. One — I don’t care what book it is, DONE is a beautiful word.
Tour of Secrets Contest
I love book releases. There is something special about all of the efforts the author made finally coming together and having them share their inspiration with the world. And the release of a debut novel is even more special. Knowing the writer is finally seeing the end product and is sharing something so intimate with the world for the first time. Because the book writing process is an intimate one and I know from personal experience, the blood, sweat, and tears that go into the process.
And the Party’s Over
Awwww!!!! I was having so much fun celebrating Carol’s agent representation, I almost forgot the party had to come to an end. But someone let the air out of the balloons, so now it’s time to clean up the confetti. I love to throw it – the sparkly kind always – but hate to clean it up.
Blog Party Celebration
Being a writer can be a tough proposition, because along every step of the way you face rejection in multiple forms and most likely multiple times. So, most writers I know love any reason to celebrate, and I’m NO exception. So, because my friend fellow Bling-Babe, Carolina Valdez Miller announced her agent representation today with the fabulous Vickie Motter of Andrea Hurst and Associates Literary Management, join us for the rest of the month in the:Agent Celebration Mega Giveaway