The mind of a writer is a strange thing. Or maybe I should qualify that and say the mind of some writers …. Because I can’t speak on behalf of all writers, but I know others who deal with some of the same things I do. My mind is kind of like a co-op with my characters. My stories are character driven, and in order to do that, I need to know how my characters would think, act, talk, feel in any given situation. They live in my head and speak to me to tell me the story line. I feel their emotions … sometimes over and over, in order to capture them on the page.
Parents Who Host, Lose The Most
‘Tis the Season… for Graduation parties, summer get-togethers, relaxing camping weekends, and more. During these celebratory and relaxing times, we may also relax our guard a bit. It’s normal. We don’t want to always be the one saying “No.”
The Twinkie Defense: Teen Drinking and Violence
Having been a soda-holic at one point in my life… okay, let’s be honest for most of my adult life… I found this article on the consumption of sugary soda highly interesting.
Takeimi’s Legacy
A couple of weeks ago Takeimi Rao was looking forward to starting high school, or at least that’s what I’d expect from a straight A student. But last week, during a slumber party all her dreams of what she was going to do with her life came to an end.