In the aftermath of the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, my mind has been mulling over lessons learned. I think it’s important to look for opportunities to grow and learn, and I usually find them. Especially when you are experiencing something new. So, as I drove to work this morning, my mind was busy critiquing the weekend and letting me know the areas where I need improvement.
- Listen to Denny a little more often.
- Denny had a very good idea about taking my laptop to the festival so I could play the book trailer for Misfit McCabe. I wasn’t thinking straight because I kept thinking the ability to play the trailer would be predicated on whether I could have a power connection ande/or internet connection. Have I mentioned I’m blonde? Of course I have a laptop with enough battery to last the duration of the signing and then some. And if that battery ran out of juice, I do have a back up battery which could be fully charged. Ok – chalk that one up for next time.
- Put together something to show some of my reader feedback vs. professional review. This is also something Denny suggested. The tweens/teens he approached were pleased that someone was interested in giving them something and had a book especially for them, and he felt they would also enjoy reading what others their own age thought about the book.
- Learn how to answer the question, “What is the book about?”
- It is the most basic question an author can be asked. Words are our medium. We know our characters intimately, some of us can go on for hours about the intricacies in the lives of our characters. But, when asked point blank to sum up the story, all of a sudden gibberish is our first language.
- It’s not as if I am shy about talking in front of people. Especially in this type of setting. I’ve always said if I can get up on stage and sing in front of a room full of strangers, saying a few words is a piece of cake.
- Now I have an action item to be accomplished before May 9th when I attend the San Diego Children’s Book Festival. Develop an answer to the question. But don’t only say what’s on the back of the bookmarks or book cover. Make it appealing and enticing, yet keep it short (my biggest challenge whether the word is written or spoken.)
- Part of the issue may have something to do with the fact that we are intensley intimate with our characters and in many cases they become real to us.
It’s kind of like telling the life story of our best friend to a total stranger and hope they don’t think our best friend is a jerk or not worth knowing.
All for now as it’s late and I’m beat.
LK Griffie
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