Yesterday signified day 1 of the last 100 days of 2009. It’s hard to believe we have almost lived through a decade of the new millennium. Of course, when someone pointed out that was all the time left in the year, it put my mind on the track of what will I accomplish before the year ends? So, what will I do with my hundred days? Let me get out the crystal ball and we’ll see.
First goal to come to mind is to write the third book in the Misfit McCabe series. Ideas for the book have been plaguing me while I have been going through the editing and proofreading process on Nowhere Feels Like Home trying to get it ready to launch. I have been forcing myself not to work on the new material until I have finished with the other because I know what would happen. I would start working on the new book, become consumed by it, and Nowhere Feels Like Home would languish on my hard drive waiting for me to finally get back to put the polishing touches on it. Then I would have two books waiting for my editing attention, and my attention span just isn’t up to it. It would become a vicious cycle and I’d end up never finishing any of them.
Which, of course, leads me into the second goal which is to finish putting the polish on Nowhere Feels Like Home so it can get out there. I not only need to proofread it again once the proof copy arrives (tomorrow?), but will also need to convert it into ebook format for as well as format it for the Kindle. Along the same lines, my third goal is to publish the second edition of Misfit McCabe and reformat it for Kindle and retire the first edition, both paper and ebook format.
One other goal is to start getting my books out there as donations to teen shelters and children’s hospitals. With the holidays coming up, the timing should be perfect and it does make me feel good to hear of someone who connected with the story who wouldn’t have otherwise had the opportunity to read the book.
My last goal is to spread a little holiday cheer. Of course, that is always a goal at this time of the year. I love the holiday season and enjoy the spring in my step and the joy of giving. I always feel so very fortunate for the things I have in my life, and like to spread the good feeling around.
What I’ll really need the crystal ball for is to see whether or not I will be able to accomplish all of my goals (except for the holiday cheer – that’s a given). The writing of book 3 does not include the editing of the book, only the completion of the first draft writing. I would make myself insane trying to accomplish the editing in this same time frame. I enjoy goal setting because without goals how do you know whether you’re accomplishing anything? By setting the goal and making it time-bound, I increase my chances of succeeding.
So, what did I accomplish on day 1 of my challenge to myself? Absolutely nothing. A friend and I went to Dana Point and floated in a pool for the entire afternoon. It was a great way to beat the heat, and I desperately needed the mental break. Because of taking the time to relax, today I’m revved up and ready to tackle my challenges (and trying not to panic because there only 98 days left of the year after today). The starting point? Outlining the plot. I have begun.