When I saw someone called BookBurninParty start following writers on Twitter, my head nearly exploded. I mean, seriously, who outside of librarians and teachers, love books more than writers? Why would some idiot talk about burning books to writers????
Writing Challenges
Sometimes writing a particular story gives us challenges. What am I saying? In every story I’ve ever written, I’ve faced one challenge or another on the way to completion. This is a good thing. With each challenge, I learn something in getting over the hurdle.
Good Grief, Charlie Brown
I just finished writing a rough (and I mean very rough) synopsis of No Boundaries and in the middle of it, I realized Good Grief!! I packed a lot of crap stuff in this book!!!
The Love Hate Relationship
I have a love / hate relationship with my editing software. I go through and do all of my edits, do a read through, and when I think things are in good shape, I bring out the evil editing software. I call it evil S.
Misfit McCabe Series – Book 3
Whoa!! Where did the time go?? Here I’ve been minding my own business working away on book 3 of the Misfit McCabe series, getting a start on book 4….