What is a book without a title? A collection of words that no one will read because they don’t know what to call it. I have completed writing the sequel to Misfit McCabe and am in the editing process. I have been struggling with the editing part because the book has lacked a title. You would think that someone who … Read More
Celebration Dance
I think I can finally come down from the clouds now. I finished writing the sequel to Misfit McCabe late Monday night, and inside have been dancing on table tops ever since. It is a fantastic feeling when you put that final period of a manuscript on the page.
Gearing up for the weekend
I’m still busy working on the sequel. I have not made as much progress the past couple days as I would have liked to, but every once in awhile you have to take a little break and recharge your imagination batteries. Mine have been working on overtime so, I really needed to slow down a bit. But with the weekend … Read More
Emotionally Drained
Friday on my way home from work, I was very excited because I had the weekend in front of me and I didn’t have any outside obligations, so I had a clear space in which to work on the sequel to Misfit McCabe. Now it is Sunday evening and I’m getting ready to call it a night. How did I … Read More