This is an update about some of the things I cannot talk about. 🙂 I know, somewhat ridiculous, right? But I am so happy about some things that are happening behind the scenes and want to share the marvelous promo image created for one of my projects I wrote a few years back. The writing game in many respects is … Read More
Supa Christmas Sale
With the stress of the holidays nearly over, now is a great time to sit back, curl up in your favorite reading chair, and get lost in fabulous new worlds. To help you do just that, some authors have banded together and put all their titles on sale, right NOW!! Some of this season’s most popular e-books have been discounted to just $0.99!!! Don’t miss out!
Sneak Peek: Diary Of A Misfit – Tim’s Shiner
In a Read it before you can buy it measure, I’ve decided to post a few snippets from the companion book to the Misfit McCabe series I have been working on. The title of the eventual book is Diary of a Misfit and will be available in ebook only (or at least that’s the plan for now).
Tattered Free for Kindle
****Drumroll Please**** I’m very pleased to announce that Tattered, the third book in the award-winning Misfit McCabe series, will be free through for Kindle Thursday, August 23rd and Friday, August 24th. So pick up your copy and enjoy the read. And once you’ve finished it, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Nowhere Feels Like Home Book Trailer
I seem to be on a trend of book trailers at the moment, never mind I started this one two years ago and have finally finished it. This video shows some of the characters in the second book in the Misfit McCabe series.
New Misfit McCabe Book Trailer
I’ve been making several changes to my primary website and in the process added the Misfit McCabe book trailer to the front page of the site. Now this is a trailer that I made several years ago, then revised when I changed the cover of the book, but at the time of the revision, left the “old” color and font scheme, meaning to change it when I had a little more time. (Yeah, right!) And that time would be now. I have once again revised the Misfit McCabe book trailer. I hope you enjoy.
The Reader’s Gift
Today was one of those days. You know the sort where Murphy is somewhere in the universe pointing his finger at you and laughing his butt off. Yeah… that was my day.
Winners of the Tattered Blog Tour
I had a blast on the Tattered tour, and I think those who made it through all of the stops had a great time too. But now it has come to an end. After the holidays, I’m going to come up with some more promotional things to help get the word out about Tattered, but until then, I hope you visit all the stops, even though the prizes are gone and learn more about Katie McCabe and other characters in Tattered!!
Lost In The Crowd…But Not For Long
Those who know me mostly see the upbeat, almost to the point of perky, side of me. I’m everybody’s cheerleader in a business which is rife with rejection and disappointment — at ALL levels.
Tattered Blog Tour
The time has FINALLY come for me to get Tattered off my hard drive and send it on its way into the world. I am very excited about this for a few reasons. One — I don’t care what book it is, DONE is a beautiful word.
Tattered Cover Reveal
I am very excited to have a cover for the third book in the Misfit McCabe series, Tattered, for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that I love the cover. And secondly, it means the release of Tattered can’t be far behind.