Anyone who knows me knows I think banning of books is pretty stupid. If you don’t like what’s in a book, then don’t read it. In fact, by not buying it you’re already making a statement with your wallet.
Tattered Cover Reveal
I am very excited to have a cover for the third book in the Misfit McCabe series, Tattered, for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that I love the cover. And secondly, it means the release of Tattered can’t be far behind.
Takeimi’s Legacy
A couple of weeks ago Takeimi Rao was looking forward to starting high school, or at least that’s what I’d expect from a straight A student. But last week, during a slumber party all her dreams of what she was going to do with her life came to an end.
A Disgusting Show Of Politics
When I saw someone called BookBurninParty start following writers on Twitter, my head nearly exploded. I mean, seriously, who outside of librarians and teachers, love books more than writers? Why would some idiot talk about burning books to writers????
Alcohol and Death: Something to think about
This is a picture of Samuel Hayes. He died last week, probably because he had too much to drink. He was sixteen-years-old, only a couple years older than me. I didn’t know Samuel. We don’t live in the same town, but his story hit me hard. He looks like a nice guy, and sixteen is too young to die.
Writing Challenges
Sometimes writing a particular story gives us challenges. What am I saying? In every story I’ve ever written, I’ve faced one challenge or another on the way to completion. This is a good thing. With each challenge, I learn something in getting over the hurdle.
Good Grief, Charlie Brown
I just finished writing a rough (and I mean very rough) synopsis of No Boundaries and in the middle of it, I realized Good Grief!! I packed a lot of crap stuff in this book!!!
Interview with Katie McCabe
An opportunity recently presented itself to do a guest post on another blog in the guise of an inteview with one of my characters.
One Hundred Day Challenge
Yesterday signified day 1 of the last 100 days of 2009. It’s hard to believe we have almost lived through a decade of the new millennium.
Thoughts From the Morning Commute – Waiting for the Siren Call
Starting Memorial Day weekend, I took a two and a half week stay-cation, and expected to be able to work on the editing of Nowhere Feels Like Home, but life doesn’t always turn out as expected.
And the Title goes to. . .
What is a book without a title? A collection of words that no one will read because they don’t know what to call it. I have completed writing the sequel to Misfit McCabe and am in the editing process. I have been struggling with the editing part because the book has lacked a title. You would think that someone who … Read More