Cycle 4, Day 3 – Hydration

My Status: Two-thirds of the way through
Mood: Meditative
I’m going to start off with the MOST positive thing to come out of today … I am 66%, aka two-thirds, aka YAHOO….

Cycle 4, Day 2 – Chemo

My Status: Rested and hubs brought ice cream
Mood: Good
We had a little hiccough in getting started with today’s chemo … two hiccoughs.

Halfway to the Unknown

My Status: A little more tired than I’d like to admit
Mood: Good
Just a quick update… I saw my doctor today to review my blood work, as I do every Monday after chemo treatments, and had a chance to ask her how I was doing overall since we had hit the halfway mark.

The Aftermath

My Status: Headache-y
Mood: Cranky
Today what my body has been through in the last week caught up with me. Tired, headache I can’t seem to get rid of, and I’m retaining water like a camel.

Cycle 3, Day 3 – Hydration

My Status: Rested
Mood: Good
This will be a short post. Things went well today. I managed to have my first ever hydration day of less than 4 hours. YAY!!!

Cycle 3, Day 2 – Chemo

My Status: Rested
Mood: Good
Normally I talk about the picture for the post at the end, but I’m going to switch things up today and talk about this one now.

Cycle 3, Day 1 – Chemo

My Status: Mush-Brained
Mood: Good
My brain is mush… seriously, it feels numb. So please forgive any typos or nonsense sentences in the following.

Surgery Day

My Status: Feeling pretty good
Mood: Determined
Surgery day started dark and early … the alarm woke us at 04:30.

Next Step Surgery

My Status: Tired
Mood: Cheery
I haven’t posted for a while because of the holidays, but now that they are past, it’s time to give you the latest updates. I saw my doc on the 30th …