Speak Loudly: My Story

I want to start by saying I find the banning of books abhorrent in every way. Along with so many others, this is a post I never thought I’d write.

Misfit McCabe Series – Book 3

Whoa!! Where did the time go?? Here I’ve been minding my own business working away on book 3 of the Misfit McCabe series, getting a start on book 4….

Celebrate with Linda Welch

It is nice to be able to celebrate the good news of a friend, and I am very happy to say that we have reason to celebrate. The landscape of publishing is changing, in particular with the advent of the ebook, and self-publishing is increasingly becoming a viable option, and one which is beginning to grow legs as a door opener for other opportunities, as Boyd Morrison proved with his book The Ark, as was discussed in previous post Who Needs a Publisher Anyway?

Help Me Pick My Poster

Just slightly over a week ago, I went to Glamour Shots to have some pictures taken because I need a professional shot to have made into a poster for the upcoming LA Times Festival of Books, April 24th and 25th at UCLA.

It’s a Wrap

I have just concluded a week long freak out over the fact that I had to have some professional photos taken. So first I must apologize to all who had to deal with me mid-freak out, in particular my TwitterSisters, who took the brunt.

ACK!! I’ve Been Tagged

It had to happen sooner or later. I have tried to avoid it, and trust me, this may be the one and only instance in which I comply – well partially comply, but I have been tagged with a blog award.