Life Beyond Normal

My Status: Headache ascendant
Mood: Philosophical
I love the holiday season and all of the festive atmosphere, the twinkling lights, the songs, decorating, and most importantly cherishing time spent with family and friends…

Cycle 2, Day 3 – Hydration

Violet Snowflake by Nevrotic Angel

My Status: Feeling okay
Mood: Good mood in progress
Today was pretty smooth, only 4 hours (supposedly 3 hours per my scheduled times, but we’ve had to throw the general time frames out with me).

Cycle 2, Day 2 – Chemo

My Status: Tired
Mood: Doing better
Another long one today, although we did manage to skip the whole allergic reaction thing. That is a huge positive.

Cycle 2, Day 1 Chemo

Christmas Angels by Betsy Bauer

My Status: Head-achy & slightly nauseous
Mood: Hanging in there
Today was long. Reeeeaaaallllly long. For a lot of reasons. Where do I start?

Working Through Exhaustion

Blue Hamster of Happiness by Sandara / Snowmen and Tree by UNKWinc

My Status: Sweating, but good
Mood: Jubilant
Today was one of those days where the simple act of crawling out of bed was a major triumph.

A Difference in Perspective

Christmas Spirit by VXSide

My Status: Improving
Mood: Appeased
Yesterday I was a bit down. Discouraged because I wasn’t able to go through with the chemo treatment as planned.

False Start

Christmas ball by fotoman228

My Status: Tired and Congested
Mood: Disappointed
Yesterday was Chemo Eve, or so I thought. I went yesterday for my labs…

Chemo Eve

Christmas by Lyanne85

My Status: Tired
Mood: Content
That’s right, it’s Chemo Eve. Somehow, I will NOT be breaking out the champagne for this one.

What a Difference a Day Makes…

My Status: MUCH better
Mood: Ebullient
My title of the post today may be a bit cliché, but it is the truth. Or maybe more appropriately, what a difference a good night sleep makes.

The Big C and Me

I recently went to the doctor because I knew there was something not functioning correctly. Sure enough, I had a flare up of diverticulitis. So armed with antibiotics and the doctor’s instructions to stay on clear liquids for the week, I returned home to battle it off. With the number of times I’ve had to do clear liquids, you’d think it’d get easier. It doesn’t. Then I returned after a week for the re-check and to review the blood results … and had a bit of a surprise waiting for me.