For every writer, one of the necessary evils is research. I do say evil with a grain of salt because research always stimulates my mind and helps clarify the story … and I quite easily get lost in research as it is fascinating. My current research topic is the Loch Ness Monster. It is for a story that is in … Read More
Devastating Results of Bullying
As National Bullying Month comes to a close, I thought I’d take a few moments to highlight one of the devastating results of unchecked bullying. Suicide. My heart is always so full of grief when I hear that someone young has taken their life. I mourn for the life cut short, of what is not going to be; I mourn … Read More
YWS: How Writers Write – Take 1
I’d like to share with you a little about the writing process. Of course, I can’t tell you how all authors write, but I can share my process as well as those of some authors I know. There is a popular theory that if you had a room of monkeys typing on a keyboard and infinite amount of time, they … Read More
Refreshing the Site
I am very excited to share my completely redesigned main website, Several months ago, my site was viciously attacked by bots who spammed the internet with links for shoes and handbags and who knows what else. Shortly thereafter, it was under siege by the internet again, only this time by robo-programs from all over the world trying to login … Read More
My Current Fight Song
Music has always been an incredible influence in my life for as long as I can remember. It has the power to calm my soul, express joy, release the river of sorrow, vent anger, share love, and more. For every emotion I’ve felt in my life, there is a song to express it. Sometimes no words are necessary … the … Read More
Hackers Not Welcome Here
A few weeks ago my main website got hacked in a big way. Apparently, unbeknownst to me, my site was busy spamming the internet because it had been connected into a network of sites all directing links to various other sites, ultimately trying to either infect the poor soul on the royal goose chase with some sort of virus, or … Read More
Renewal of a Quest
My quest for health is paved with good intentions — and erratic execution. Last year this time, I was recovering from one knee surgery and getting ready for a second, but health wise, I was doing better and better. Then I lost a bit of steam as we slid into fall and have taken a few stabs at getting back … Read More
Do You Believe?
A couple nights ago, I took a rare moment and watched a movie. Not something I have an opportunity to do very often because I’m juggling so many different things, but it had been a rough week and I needed to decompress a bit. I chose Little Boy, which is set in World War II times, and is primarily about … Read More
Warning Deadline Approaches
Along with juggling quite a few things I can’t talk about, I have been working diligently on my latest WIP, a dark upper YA novel, Speak No Evil. I am excited about how this book is shaping up and how close I am to the finish line with it. Then I happened to have a conversation with my literary manager … Read More
Omniscient Point of View
Last week I talked about head hopping and why we shouldn’t and I mentioned the omniscient POV (Point of View) as not being a part of the discussion. Head hopping means jumping from character to character and changing viewpoint. Omniscient is an unseen/unknown narrator who knows what everyone is thinking or feeling. I had the following question asked of me, … Read More