It is that time of year. We’re saying good-bye to one year, and looking forward to the next hoping we realize all of the dreams we didn’t over the past 12 months, and adding a few new things for good measure. Many will make resolutions and many of those resolutions will be broken before we put January in the history … Read More
YWS: How Authors Get Story Ideas
One of the questions that most fiction authors are asked at one point or another is “how did you get the idea for the story?” Sometimes this is a hard question to answer. The easy answer is: LIFE Actually, there are several ways in which an author can come up with an idea for a book. Through reading or hearing … Read More
Advice from Singer
I have seen this graphic floating around social media and every time I see it, I have a good laugh. First because I am a self-proclaimed non-domestic goddess… and yes, when you practice non-domesticity with the flair I do, you achieve goddess status. Second because the “advice” was part of a manual and is simply ridiculous in context of today’s … Read More
The Year Ahead
A week ago I was goofing off on Twitter … I mean taking a brief, but necessary writing break … when I saw a graphic floating by that said, “A year ago, I would’ve never pictured my life the way it is now.” In that moment I realized how profoundly true those words were about my life and this past … Read More
YWS: The Writer’s To-Do List
Every writer I know has a to-do list. And it seems like the harder I work on mine, the more it grows. Of course, my manager, Italia Gandolfo has something to do with that. As soon as I knock something off the to-do list, she adds three or four things and gives me an evil laugh. I think she’s trying … Read More
YWS: The Writing Environment – Part III
This is the third of three posts focusing on 8 tips for the writing environment. In order to help you do your best writing, you have to know what it is that helps you focus on the writing.
YWS: The Writing Environment – Part II
This is the second of three posts focusing on 8 tips for the writing environment. In order to help you do your best writing, you have to know what it is that helps you focus on the writing.
YWS: The Writing Environment – Part I
Since I am getting ready to start working on some new material, I thought it would be a good time to share with you some of the things that are important to determine before you begin writing. In order to help you do your best writing, you have to know what it is that helps you focus on the writing.
Tips for Young Writers
A few years back … *checks calendar* Wow! Time flies when you’re busy writing. …
Rant About Reading Shaming
I write Young Adult (YA) fiction and take it personally when the category gets slammed. It especially irks me when the person doing the slamming is from within the industry (publishing—whether writer, agent, editor, publisher) because I think anyone within the industry should be happy for people to read.
Writing Process Blog Tour
This is a travelling blog tour that pops up every Monday for writers to share a little about what, how and why they write.
Working Through Exhaustion
My Status: Sweating, but good
Mood: Jubilant
Today was one of those days where the simple act of crawling out of bed was a major triumph.